The history of ZS10

The history of the school building began in 1928 when the first bell rang, calling German-speaking Pestalozzischule students to their lessons. This building served German-speaking children and youth until the end of World War II. Towards the end of the war, it was used as a military hospital, however, in April 1945, Polish teachers, delegated by the Education Board of the Silesian District in Katowice, appeared in the impressive walls, quickly restoring the educational functions. They organized two Polish schools – Public Primary School No. 4 and Public Primary School No. 5 in Mikulczyce. In the early 1960s, these schools were merged into one educational institution – Primary School No. 27 in Zabrze. The former Mikulczyce rural commune became one of the districts of Zabrze in 1952.

Several years later, the school community changed again as Primary School No. 27 welcomed students from the Zabrze Electrical Technical School. Since 1980, they were no longer studying in the Electrical Technical School but in the Electrical-Electronic Schools Complex, named after Prof. Janusz Groszkowski.

On March 10, 1997, the Janusz Groszkowski Schools Complex No. 10 was established. At the beginning of the 21st century, the last primary school students left the building on Chopin Street. In the school remained technical school students, joined by high school and middle school students. The school building was then expanded with a modern gymnasium.

However, as history repeats itself, another reform brought the youngest students back to the building on Chopin Street on September 4, 2017 – first-graders with school cone in their hands, along with their older classmates – seventh graders, because the Primary School No. 27 was reactivated, becoming part of the ever-ready for changes and new challenges of Mikulczyce’s “Ten”…

„Opowieść o Naszej Szkole”

In the electronic version of the book „Opowieść o Naszej Szkole” (Tale of Our School) edited by Izabela Kaczmarzyk, you will find:

– Information about the establishment of the school
– The history of its further development until 2008
– A list of teachers teaching at our school after 1945